
Our Mission
Our Children/Our Schools (OC/OS) was founded in 2007 as an education advocacy network made up of education, children’s rights and civil rights advocates and organizations throughout New Jersey. OC/OS has worked hard to convince NJ policymakers, the press and the public about the importance of full and fair school funding; high-quality programs, including preschool; teacher, parent and community input in schools; adequate school facilities; and other policies crucial to student success.
OC/OS has spearheaded or helped organize a number of campaigns in public education, including gubernatorial nominations to the State Board of Education and compensatory special education for students who did not receive services during pandemic school closures. The network has pressed for full formula funding since the 2008 passage of a unified school funding formula, known as the School Funding Reform Act or SFRA.
OC/OS also supports:
high quality, full-day preschool for all at-risk 3- and 4-year-olds;
adequate funding for the state's facilities construction program under the auspices of the Schools Development Authority;
a private-school-voucher-free New Jersey;
integrated schools;
multiple pathways to high school graduation;
equitable assessment policies that reduce reliance on high stakes standardized testing;
legislation to bring equity, accountability and other long overdue reform to NJ’s charter school program;
community schools as a model to help students and their families overcome in-school and out-of-school barriers;
mental health services for students and staff;
sufficient resources for special education.
OC/OS works to keep organizations informed about legislative and regulatory initiatives, education litigation, data and research, and other important information impacting public education in NJ. OC/OS meetings also provide a forum for member organizations to share updates on their work and announcements of upcoming events.
Who We Are
Alliance for Newark Public Schools
Community Stakeholders for Public Education—Trenton
Hightstown East Windsor Special Education Parent Advisory Group
Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey
Latino Action Network Foundation
The Latino Institute of NJ
League of Women Voters of New Jersey
NJ Association of Black Educators
New Jersey Black Issues Convention
NJ Community Schools Coalition
NJ NAACP Branches:
NJ Parent Teachers Association
Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism New Jersey
School Based United - Preferred Behavioral Health Group
Social Emotional Learning Alliance for New Jersey
Statewide Education Organizing Committee
Numerous other “friends” participate in our meetings and policy advocacy activities, including:
Advocates for Children of New Jersey
Great Schools NJ – An Association of High Need Districts
New Jersey Education Association
NJ Association of School Administrators
NJ Principals and Supervisors Association